Privacy Policy

Neurobehavioral Systems

Here at NBS we respect your privacy and work hard to safeguard the security of your personal data. We realize that the very nature of the Internet and online services raises questions concerning the nature, use, and confidentiality of information collected about consumers and online visitors to our site. This privacy policy lets you know how your personal information is gathered, processed and used. We will take steps to use your personal information only in ways that are compatible with this privacy policy. The following policies are only in effect for the web pages, newsletters, discussion lists and opt-in announcement lists owned and operated by NBS Inc.

Note: As of May 25, 2018, NBS and the privacy policy below act in accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), where applicable.

As of January 1, 2020, NBS and the privacy policy below act in accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

By using our Products and Services, you agree, without limitation or qualification, to be bound by this privacy policy. If you become an inactive user, we will adhere to the policies and practices as described in this privacy policy, which may be revised from time to time.

A. How do we collect your information?
B. What information do we collect explicitly?
C. What information is collected automatically?
D. What may we do with the information?
E. What may we not do with the information?
F. What may we do with your explicit consent?
G. What may we do without your explicit consent?
H. How can you change the information?
I. How can you delete your account and information?
J. How well protected is your information?
K. What will happen in the case of a security breach?
L. How can you better protect yourself?
M. Changes in this policy.

A. How do we collect your information?

NBS Online collects your personal information to be able to provide you a variety of services with the least possible problems. However most of the information we collect on our site has to be voluntarily provided by you. This usually is done using web forms that you fill out while registering as a user, opinion polls regarding NBS and its products and services, forums and cookies.

Regarding cookies, we only store one persistent cookie (a cookie that stays on even if you shutdown your browser or computer) that enables you to log on more quickly (you still have to provide the password). During your navigation on the website, some session based cookies (cookies that ‘die’ when you shutdown your browser) might be set up.

Information that you provide on the forums is usually restricted only to the moderators who are employees of NBS Inc. and are also governed by a non-disclosure agreement regarding customer information. Email addresses are never given out or even available on the website. All communication with customers goes through the NBS website and in a manner wherein spamming is extremely hard.

To protect your privacy and yet provide you with a reasonable level of web experience, we have adopted the following principles regarding data collection.

• Notice
Wherever NBS Online and its websites collect personal information about you, we will post a statement of purpose regarding that information. What we might and will not do with the information is in the following paragraphs.

• Choice
You may choose whether or not to provide personal information to NBS. The notice we intend to provide where we collect personal information on the web should help you to make this choice. If you choose not to provide the information we request, you can still visit most of the website, but you may be unable to access certain options, offers and services that involve our interaction with you.

• Access/Accuracy
To the extent that you do provide us with personal information, NBS wishes to maintain accurate personal information. Where we collect personal information from you on the web, our goal is to provide a means of contacting NBS should you need to update or correct that information. If for any reason those means are unavailable or inaccessible, you may send updates and corrections about your personal information to the webmaster and we will make reasonable efforts to incorporate the changes as soon as practicable.

In addition, you have the right, at any time, to request a digital copy of any personal information you provided that we have on record. Information requests will be handled in a timely manner and will be delivered to the email we have on file for your account.

• Duration
NBS will maintain a record of the personal information you provided for the duration of your account and/or interactions with NBS Online and any affiliated software or products.

B. What information do we collect explicitly?

During your registration process we collect personally identifiable information like names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, organization/employer information, professional information, professional/research interests/affiliations and Presentation/NBS related opinions/experiences. You have to explicitly fill out this information as accurately as possible.

Per Section 3 of the CCPA, you may request that we disclose to you the personal information we have collected from the methods outlined in this Section and Section C.

C. What information is collected automatically?

Whenever you browse a website, the software running the site usually logs quite a bit of information like your IP address, browser type, operating system, the previous page you visited, etc. These are automatically collected and usually used to track the user’s path on a website to be able to provide user-centric services.

D. What may we do with the information?

NBS mainly uses the information gathered to keep records of Presentation users and for statistical purposes. The information allows us a more accurate view of our user base and helps us make improvements and add features to our software to give the user a better experience with Presentation.

The information is also used to facilitate your use of the NBS Online website, particularly regarding group management, license management and technical support. Your account on the website is password protected and requires you to log in, which prevents unauthorized access to your personal information. It also allows us to inform you about any major changes in the software, policies regarding use of the software or website and other announcements. However, you have to explicitly provide consent to receive most of these notifications.

In the event that corrections to user data must be made on a global scale, we will notify you via email regarding the extent of the correction and its effect on your account.

E. What will we not do with the information?

It has always been NBS’ policy to treat our users as we would treat ourselves. And that is the approach we take regarding your personal information. At no time will NBS sell or rent your personally identifiable information to a third party for monetary or other compensation. Presentation employees who deal with your information also have to sign a non-disclosure agreement regarding the usage of that information.

F. What may we do with your explicit consent?

Sometimes to fulfill a user requirement or to provide a service that you have requested, we might provide personal information to third parties, service providers or vendors. However at no time will this be done without your explicit consent, which will usually be a three-step process (request, confirmation, information transfer).

G. What may we do without your explicit consent?

Sometimes due to the legal aspects of running a corporation, we might have to provide personally identifiable information about you to other agencies. This will usually happen in cases where we are responding to a subpoena, court order or legal process. Information may also be turned over to law enforcement or legal agencies if we find that your actions on our website violate the NBS Terms of Service, or any of our usage guidelines for specific products or services.

H. How can you change the information?

You can change most of the personally identifiable information at any time via the website. You will have to log in so as to prevent unauthorized use of the service. The information may only be changed via the web service. In case of extenuating circumstances specific employees may change the information, but only on your personal request. That process will also be a three-step process as mentioned above.

I. How can you delete your account and information?

In compliance with the GDPR and CCPA, users have the right to erasure regarding their account and personal information. We will delete your personal data at your request unless we are legally allowed or required to maintain certain personal data for cases regarding audits, fraud prevention, or unresolved claims/credit. To fill out a request to delete your account, please click here. Alternatively, you may submit a request over the phone by calling 510-527-9231.

In addition, you may request that we keep your account and data on file, but do not include it in any of the permitted uses outlined in Articles D, F, and G.

J. How well protected is your information?

To prevent unauthorized access to your information outside of the website, NBS has hardware and software security measures in place. The servers that maintain your information are physically secured on the premises of NBS. Access to those machines is restricted to authorized personnel only. All data on those machines are protected via passwords using strong encryption technologies. On the software side, whenever you access, view or change your personal information, this data is transferred to and from your browser via SSL. On those pages you will see the SSL Encryption logo on the bottom left of your page.

Your personal information is stored on GDPR-compliant third-party servers located in Northern California. The location of these servers and/or additional servers may vary. If you are a member of the EU at the time you created an account and provided your personal information, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the EU Commission if you believe your personal data has been mismanaged by NBS.

K. What will happen in the case of a security breach?

While we take extreme precautions to keep your personal information safe and secure, the threat of a security breach is still possible and must be taken seriously. In the event of a breach, NBS will alert affected users and the supervising authority within 72 hours. In addition, NBS will actively perform security tests and upgrades where necessary, and will cooperate with the supervising authorities in any pursuant investigations regarding a possible data breach.

L. How can you better protect yourself?

In spite of all the machinations in place to protect your privacy, you as a user have to be proactive regarding online privacy. Some useful resources regarding protecting yourself online and your rights as a consumer are listed below:

• General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
• SB-1121 California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
• Department of Education: Parents Guide to the Internet
• Better Business Bureau (BBB)
• Electronic Frontier Foundation
• (Electronic Privacy Information Center)
• NetCoalition
• Online Privacy Alliance
• The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse

M. Changes in this policy.

Since this privacy policy is of utmost importance to us and to our users, in the event of any significant changes to this policy, a prominent notice will be placed on the site regarding the change. This notification does not require your consent.